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PEC Chamber
Work local Prince Edward County

Pursue your passions and pursuits and be a part of a movement to support our County businesses during severe staff shortages.


  1. FIND a Full-time or Part-time job OR Occasional Shifts and Earn Supplemental Income
  2. MEET People
  3. GET INVOLVED in the Community
  4. LEARN a new Skill 
  5. SHARE your Unique Knowledge and Experiences
See all Job and Volunteer Opportunties
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Shift Yourself
Program Sponsor

From the Canadian Chamber of Commerce:  "The Pandemic has helped spur the "gig" economy, although there's a clear divide between those industries employing gig workers and those who are not, with food services leading the pack in outsourcing."

“Its a tried and true hiring strategy to turn your customers into your staff! At Carson’s we do just that. With a large, retired work force all around us, we adjusted our shifts to 4 hours in length so that an older demographic that wants to still be active and interact with other similar people can do so in a welcoming environment. Who better to sell your products or services than the people who already are loyal to them?”

 Carson Arthur, Carson's Garden and Market

 "Staff bring previous experience from other industries to bear on our environment and products. One staff member is a chef who went back to school to learn programming during covid and now is on the programming team and helps make our Shift Yourself application work for the hospitality industry due to his previous career. C3 is a stepping stone for our young staff and they know that when it is time to move onwards and upwards in their career I will be there to help them." 

Dave Williams, C3 Solutions


" Our recruitment philosophy is to "hire for fit and train for skill". Of course, we need a base level of skills for the positions we have, but we believe that if someone is willing to learn and take constructive criticism, we can train other specific skills without issue. Soft skills like a positive attitude, work ethic and values cannot be trained, so it is important to make sure there is alignment  between your business needs and what a prospective employee can offer."  

Darryl Griffioen and Ryan Snyder , OneLook Productions