Role and Responsibilities of Directors
Thank you for your interest in serving on the Prince Edward County Chamber of Commerce’s (PEC Chamber) Board of Directors. In accordance with its Board Skills and Identity Matrix, the PEC Chamber will strive to ensure its Board is composed of talented and dedicated individuals with diverse expertise, experience, skills, and backgrounds. We believe a Board composition that reflects the diversity of the County business community strengthens the value we bring to our members and spurs innovation, excellence, and growth.
- Governance Committee
- Advocacy Committee
- DEIIBA+ (Diversity, Equity, Inclusivity, Belonging, and Accessibility +) Taskforce
- PEC Business Excellence Awards Strategic Review (annual ad hoc committee)
Information about the Board of Directors
Focuses exclusively on strategic direction and governance.
Provides advice re strategic planning, succession planning, executive compensation, and risk management.
Oversees financial matters (standard fiduciary responsibility)
Responsible for the implementation, interpretation and promotion of policies approved by the membership in accordance with the statutes and by-laws.
Size / Composition
The affairs of the Chamber shall be managed by a Board of Directors consisting of three (3) – nine (9) directors, plus one appointed ex-officio Council representative. The Board of Directors may, at its discretion, also invite members from each class to sit as ex-officio members of the Board where their participation is deemed appropriate.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this by-law, no person shall be, become or remain a director of the Chamber, notwithstanding election or appointment as such, unless he/she/they is and remains at all material times:
a) Eighteen (18) years of age, or older;
b) A resident of Canada;
c) A member of the Chamber;
d) Approved pursuant to the then current policies and procedures of the Chamber.
Length of Term
Directors are elected for a three-year term and may serve for a maximum of three (3) consecutive terms, after which said Director shall be replaced and may only be considered for re-election after an absence of at least one (1) full term from the Board of Directors.
Board Meeting Frequency and Format
Monthly standing Board meetings, except July and August. Option of special meetings as required.
Most meetings are preferred in person however, we provide a videoconference option.
Participation on the Board is on a voluntary basis.
Board members will not be financially compensated.